The general rules for competitions can be found in the Member’s Handbook, and any queries should be address to a committee member.
The club members have agreed the following additional rules/guidelines.
Bob’s Project
- The objective of Bob’s project is to encourage members to take new photos, practicing techniques which may be outside their normal way of working.
- There will be 5 or 6 ’rounds’ of Bob’s project each season.
- At the start of each round, the club will have a brief discussion to determine the ‘rules’ for that round. For example when the topic was portraiture, the club decided that the portraits were to be of humans.
- There will be a period of about 6 weeks for members to take images. During this period there may be workshops and outings organised focussing on the current topic.
- At the end of each round, members are invited to bring in a selection of their images and discuss them with the members. These images should ideally be limited to those taken since the launch of that round.
- Images shown to the club as part of Bob’s Project can subsequently be entered into club competitions as either DPI or mounted prints.
- Images shown to the club as part of Bob’s Project do NOT count to limit of an image being entered 3 times.
Small print Competition
- This is a competition for UNMOUNTED prints, maximum size A5, no minimum size.
- No names, titles or identifying marks to be put on the back, so that they can be judge anonymously. A random number will be affixed to the back by the print secretary.
- There are 2 classes, colour and monochrome
- Each member may enter up to 5 entries in each class (up to 10 prints in total)
- The objective of this competition is to gain feedback on your new images from fellow members. The competition is judged by members votes.
- Images can subsequently be entered into club competitions as either DPI or mounted prints.
- Entry to the small prints competition does NOT count to limit of an image being entered 3 times.
Tryptic Competition
- This is a DPI competition, so a maximum of 5 entries per member are allowed, each entry having a maximum size of 1400 wide by 1050 high (pixels)
- Each entry will consist of 3 images within 1 image. The layout is at the discretion of the author.
- A 4th image may be used as a background to enhance the presentation, but must not be a significant part or distract from the 3 principle images.
- However, the background can be a part of the tryptic if there are only 2 images in front of it.
- For this competition, images which have been used before, even if they have won or been placed in a competition, may be used as part of the tryptic. This includes images that have previously been entered as prints.